Vol. 10, Issue 1: Interconnect
Deadline: June 15, 2025
Submissions: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tadjournal
Editor’s Note: All Topics Welcome Always
TECHNOLOGY | ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN (TAD) is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to advancing scholarship in building technology and its translation, integration, and impact on architecture and design. All submissions are reviewed through a double-blind peer-review process with subject experts.
This issue of TAD investigates how information and communication technologies shape how we perceive, use, manage, and design the built environment and how these relationships change as our world becomes more interconnected and densified. Submissions may choose to address the focus area identified in this call for papers but are not required to do so.
Our world is increasingly interconnecting. By 2030, more than 90% of the world’s population and more than 50% of its physical infrastructure will be wirelessly linked through the internet, enabling people, objects, and places to interact with each other in virtually any conceivable way. Yet, the more accessible our environment becomes, the easier we overuse and consume it. The more we command the environment digitally, the more our conflicting needs and wants turn our collective use of it into an increasingly complex political issue that technology alone cannot resolve. One of our most significant challenges in the next decade will be to design and build environments that can turn diverse individualistic perspectives into ecologies of sustainable and equitable behavior while negotiating critically the boundary between the physical and the digital.
The upcoming issue of TECHNOLOGY | ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN invites contributions in design, computing, informatics, human-computer interaction, ecology, systems thinking, history, and computational social science that advance the disciplines of architecture and urbanism through the following questions. What makes architectural space intelligent, and how does this definition change as scale increases from the individual to the collective? How might we design networked environments that enable the seamless availability, distribution, and use of shared resources in circular, sustainable, and equitable ways? What conditions induce cooperation across diverse social groups, and how can such conditions be designed and sustained in architectural terms? How can our built environment mediate interactions between people, objects, and places more critically and meaningfully? How might artificial intelligence (AI) facilitate social interactions toward more synergistic, sustainable outcomes? What tools, skills, and disciplinary knowledge should Architecture in an interconnected world have, and how should our pedagogical models evolve to cultivate them?
Topics for this submission may include but are not limited to innovative applied and scholarly research on shared models of urban intelligence, their design traits and limitations; design projects on networked human-computer interfaces for collective interactions; data-driven simulation studies on urban resource allocation networks; aesthetic projects on technologically augmented public engagement; case studies on current sociotechnical systems and their design characteristics; historical perspectives on the relationship between information technologies, urban operations, and planning specifications. The editors strongly encourage submissions highlighting contributions from those traditionally excluded or underrepresented in the field.
TAD invites original and innovative research from scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students. Contributions to the issue focus area are encouraged, but TAD will consider all papers that meet the TAD mission statement. The journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis, but for consideration in this issue, manuscripts are due before 11:59 pm Eastern Time on June 15, 2025. All manuscripts are double-blind peer-reviewed. Manuscripts must follow the standards detailed in the TAD Author Guide, available at https://tadjournal.org/author-guide/.