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TAD Journal is a peer-­reviewed international journal dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in the field of building technology and its translation, integration, and impact on architecture and design.

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Articles: Op/Positions

Hurrying across a deserted beach, their many legs weaving intricate spatial patterns, Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest...
Design Research: Objects, Procedures, and New Understanding
Shifting objects across the earth’s surface is no easy matter. The moon rushes through space, as do the satellites....
Design Research: Objects, Procedures, and New Understanding
Architectural Research in an Age of Open Systems
Design Research has an epistemological mode that differs from those in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities,...
Architectural Research in an Age of Open Systems
Re-finding a Voice: Building an Agenda for Research in Architecture
Architectural research is constitutively different in an age of open systems. There are important epistemological...
Re-finding a Voice: Building an Agenda for Research in Architecture
Bespoke and Organic: Simulation toward Simplification, Repetition, and Rationalization
The recent history of architecture and engineering has rightly focused on rationalization to realize otherwise...
Bespoke and Organic: Simulation toward Simplification, Repetition, and Rationalization
Research and Architecture’s Knowledge Loop
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has developed a research roadmap that sends the AIA further down a road...
Simulation and Design of Hybrid Human-Natural-Technological Systems
Interactions among complex and rapidly evolving human, natural, and technological systems in urbanizing regions...
Simulation and Design of Hybrid Human-Natural-Technological Systems
Architecture from the Bottom-up
Buildings are multiscale material systems with an interconnected web of assemblies, components, and materials....
Architecture from the Bottom-up
Computational Design Synergy: Stimulation Through Simulation
In complex decision-making such as city design, good designers should find the most synergetic solution between...
Computational Design Synergy: Stimulation Through Simulation
Computational Doppelgängers
Future Cities Lab explores the intertwining of physical space and objects with their computational doppelgängers:...
Computational Doppelgängers